Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Funny Games

1) How Does The Film Break Expectations? 
The genre of this is film is thriller therefore the conventions of a thriller is for the bad person to die at the end however in this film all the good characters died and the two bad characters remained alive and carried on torturing more people. Most thriller films have a positive end where the main character survives but in this film it ended  negatively and all the good characters died. The narrative is not normal as the bad character talks to the audience making them feel involved in his acts rather then him talking to his people, this may make the audience feel confused.

2) What is he trying to make the audience feel about violence?
His trying to make us feel that violence is acceptable and normal. He doesn't show us what actually happens for example the shooting but he does create the fear from telling the audience what is going to happen next and whose going to die and because he told us what was going to happen instead of showing us its more effective for the audience as it makes them think more about the situation. He makes them play a game which involves them both dying therefore his showing that for him violence is fun.

3) Do you think it is intentional shock?
Yes, because Michael Hanetce says that the audience are passive and they are used to seeing violence, blood and gore. So by not showing this in this film it makes the audience feel shocked and they think more about the situation and think why it is acceptable to find violence entertaining.

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