In this children's film opening, we included 2 of the 8 characters, the hero and the villain. The hero is Agents Bean and Bell and the villain is Dr. Skull. The reason we included only 2 out of 8 of the characters is because the task was to create only the opening of a Children's Film that was under 2 minutes long. Had we created the whole film we would have tried to include all 8 narrative characters, including a donor, a false hero, a princess etc. Propp argued that narratives are driven by males however we have challenged this theory by having 2 female heros leading the story. Propp also said that the hero of a narrative had a specific journey starting with preparation. Our Children's Film didn't include a preparation section however it did have a complication and transference part. If we had the opportunity to create the whole film we could have added a flashback to show the preparation part of the story.
Strauss says that all narratives contain "Binary Opposites". Our Children's Film opening included the following "Binary Opposites": Male/Female, Hero/Villain, Police/Criminal, Moral/Immoral and Weak/Strong. All of the above provide a contrast and rivalry in the narrative which links to Todorov's theory.
Todorov said that the audience desires order: A beginning, middle and end where all loose ends are tied. The theory has 5 different stages 1) A state of equilibrium, 2) A disruption of order, 3) A recognition the order has ocurred, 4) An attempt to repair the damage and 5) A return or restoration of a new equilibrium. Considering we only created an opening for the Children's Film which was under 2 minutes long we only managed to include a disruption of order in the story. This involved Bean and Bell running away from Dr. Skull and then inconveniently bumping into him. This is the second stage of the theory, we didn't include the first stage but if we had the chance to make the whole film the idea of a flashback would be good to show the state of equilibrium.
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