Vladimere Propp - Says the Characters have set roles in our childrens film we had a limited amount of characters as we were trying to keep it simple for the younger audience and as we only made the opening sequence we could not introduce all the characters that would have been throughout the whole of the film.
Hero - Policeman (Was trying to fight "evil" and catch the bad guy restoring peace and achieving the new equilibrium)
Villain - Robber (Was trying to get away with his wrong doing)
Dispatcher - News reporter (was informing us the audience on the current proceedings of the chase)
Helpers - 2nd Policeman (Also trying to restore the equilibrium)
The rest were not nessersary to include in the short opening.
Strauss - Believed that there were binary opposites involved in the film, this applied to our footage as we had a cop and a robber creating a story line with friction. The children's film Involved the greater fighting "evil" dispite the odds shown throughout the sequence the good guys came out on top. Showing a moral of the story to the younger audience as well as following a traditional plot for children's films.

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