When the teens are on the motorbike there are lots of jump cuts, this helps emphasis the thrill and speed the teens are riding at. Shot reverse is used between Harry Brown and his friend in the pub, they are talking about the pub ownership and the youths dealing drugs, having under age sex. They use close ups on Harry brown regularly to show his emotion of his life. When the film starts they use a slow fade in to the alarm clock, this contrasts the speed of the opening scene to bring the film back down to earth, and establish Harry Browns old, quiet, cobbler life.
Most of the sounds in the opening scene are diegetic and all sounds are natural this represents the realism of the film. When he is getting up doing his morning routine, the sounds of him making his tea etc are visceral to emphasize how alone he is without his wife. The lack of other sounds also help to show his lonliness as the only sounds being made are by him and not others. In the opening scene with the youths on the bike, there is a sound effects used for the gun and the boy shoots the woman which helps highten the realism by providing real gun sounds.
When Harry Brown is walking across the park, there is a long shot of him stopping to look at the tunnel where the yobs hang out. This shot is effective at showing us that he chooses not to go that way to avoid confrontation. In the scene where he gets ready there are lots of close ups which helps the audience to better understand his life and how he is lonely. There is a scene at the beginning of the scene that is handheld on a motorbike. This creates a thrill and makes the audience feel like they are actually in the film. Another long shot is used when Harry Brown is in his apartment looking down at the man getting his car broken into by yobs. The long shot makes clear that the violence is happening, but no one is willing to do anything. It also makes us understand that Harry Brown is aware that the violence is happening, but it helpless to stopping it.
**MESSAGE TO AIDAN** I'm done editing. (From Jack)
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